Winter 2021-2022

Tea Room is the gathering of seasonal presents: natural and man-made.

Archive: Tea Room

Winter 2021-2022

Seasonal Presents: Natural 

Nature brings beauty in all forms.

The Bird, the Rose bush, the Blue sky, they all come together as oneness.

 Bird with Rose Bush

The Liquidambar Styraciflua (American Sweetgum) tree has lost its leaves.

The tree with the ball shaped fruits appears as celebrating the season.

The hanging fruits are natural decorations for the season’s joy.

Liquidambar Styraciflua Tree

The Bermuda Buttercup beautifully blooms under the Blue sky.

The Light Yellow color of the Bermuda Buttercup brings a delightful sense.

Bermuda Buttercup

The Golden Currant has brought the fresh flowers in Winter.

The freshness of the flowers is emphasized with the morning mist.

Golden Currant with Morning Mist

In the early morning, the coldness comes back while gaining the warmth during day.

It is the beauty of nature that appears each moment.

Frost in Early Morning

The Magnolia tree has brought the flowers with the Deep Red color.

The color is delightful under the Blue sky.

Magnolia Tree

The Western Redbud tree has brought the buds of the flowers.

The buds give the energy with a joyful sense in the early morning.

 Western Redbud

Seasonal Presents: Man-made

The Persimmons are flavorful in the early Winter.

The delightful Orange color brings its full flavor.

The Magiun is the Romanian traditional preserve made with plums.

This Magiun style Persimmon preserve brings the unexpected flavor with the deep Red color.

Persimmon Magiun with Whole Wheat Walnut Bread

The season of the celebration in Winter arrives and there is a warm sense.

The Romanian desserts called “Cornulețe” are brought with a heartwarming sense.

The Romanian Cornulețe are made to celebrate.

Romanian Cornulețe

The Cheesecake with Raspberries is made to celebrate Life.

It is the application to Life as a whole.

The Cheesecake made with care brings a delightful sense not only to the taste, but also to the heart.

Cheesecake with Raspberries

The Apple Upside Down Tart is made to celebrate Life with Love.

The Tart Crust is made with the Chocolate flavor.

The Apples are Pink Lady and Lay Apple to complement each other.

The Apple Upside Down Tart delights Life.

Apple Upside Down Tart

The tinny Willow branches have brought down on the ground.

The tinny Willow branches become the beautiful Willow Wreath.

Willow Wreath

The Pistachio Cheesecake is made to appreciate Life.

The Light Green color of Pistachio Cheesecake brings a delightful sense similar to seeing the freshness of Light Green color in Spring.

Spring is near.

Pistachio Cheesecake

The Seasonal Presents: Man-made is designed and made by the author.