Tea Room is the gathering of seasonal presents: natural and man-made.
Winter 2019-2020
Seasonal Presents: Natural
As time flows, Winter arrives.
Life brings a mystical view at each moment.
The sun mystically appears after the rain.
Sun in Clouds San Mateo County California
The conifer tree looks refreshed after the rain.
The deep Green color of leaves is beautiful under the Blue sky.
The beauty of the leaves’ color appears not only under the Blue sky, but also under the White clouds.
The morning fog brings a mystical scene at each moment.
The Live Oak trees appear beautiful in the mystical morning fog.
The rain nurtures nature.
The rain is appreciated by nature.
After the rain, raindrops beautifully appear on the tree branches.
They are living each moment.
That is the reason why they look beautiful.
Raindrops on Japanese Maple Tree
In the early morning, sun comes out between the clouds and brings a beautiful moment after the rain.
Between the branches of the Live oak trees, sun and clouds together bring a mystical moment.
The warm Winter has brought new buds on the trees.
The buds of the California Buckeyes (Aesculus californica) are delightfully open.
California Buckeyes (Aesculus californica)
At the end of Winter, the warm weather with sunny days awakens beautiful flowers.
The Myrtle (Vinca Minor) has appeared in the early morning.
The Scoliopus (Fetid Adderstongue) has delightfully blossomed. It appears as a natural bouquet.
It is a gift from nature.
Scoliopus (Fetid Adderstongue)
Seasonal Presents: Man-made
Winter brings Holidays to appreciate and celebrate Life.
It is a heartwarming season during the cold weather.
The paper crafted angels give a joyful sense as ornaments.
They are made with natural materials, Japanese rice papers, a wooden bead, and jute.
It is the season to be attracted by warmth.
The Grape cake with warm orange sauce brings warmth in the cold Winter.
The light Orange color gives a delightful sense to celebrate the season.
Apples are in the season in the early Winter.
The fruits themselves become flavorful.
They also bring the delightful flavor to the dessert.
The Tarte Tatin is one of the flavorful desserts.
The warm Tarte Tatin warms one’s heart.
The Cozonac is a special gift for Romanian culture.
It is a symbol of celebration.
The Cozonac is appreciated during the holiday season.
It brings a sense of heartwarming.
The Magic cake is a gift to celebrate for any occasion.
With the powder sugar on the top as snow, the Magic cake becomes a gift for the birthday celebration in Winter.
The Romanesco broccoli which originates from Italy has become popular in California.
Its flavor is a combination of broccoli and cauliflower.
The structure of the Romanesco broccoli forms like a cluster of trees.
It expresses the wonder of nature.
The Romanesco broccoli purée is only made with the Romanesco broccoli and the Himalayan pink salt.
It brings a flavorful taste.
The Apples and Almonds together bring a flavorful tart “Tarte Normande (French Apple Tart)” to celebrate a birthday.
The Tarte Normande gives a delightful sense with a light golden color.
It is the gift for birthday to bring joyful times.
Tarte Normande (French Apple Tart)
The Seasonal Present: Man-made is designed and made by the author.